This pregnancy was, by far, Miranda's best of the three. The labor...well, that's a different story. Miranda's platelet levels in her blood were very low. Platelets cause blood to clot; when the platelet count is low, the doctors worry about too much bleeding. Becuase epidurals have a blood thinning characteristic, the anesthesiologist refused to give Miranda an epidural.
Miranda has never had any intention of delivering a baby "au naturale", but she was a real trooper and got through the delivery process without even yelling at me once!! I am very blessed to have her as my eternal companion!! I also now have a MUCH greater appreciation of what women go through to perpetuate the human family! Miranda did say that she would have made a "crappy pioneer woman". Either way, she did great.
London and Kennedy have been great with their new baby sister - they love her so much!
Here are some photos of our little Baylee.
Baylee Regan Guth
Born September 23, 2008; 6:27 pm
Weight: 7 pounds, 2 oz.
Length: 20 inches